Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lose Belly Fat to Save Your Life

You know, the vast majority of people have excess belly fat? Most people know their
belly fat is ugly, covers up their abs from being seen, and they are self conscious
about showing off. They know they need to lose belly fat but don't know how.

What they don't understand is that excess abdominal fat is not only ugly, it's downright
dangerous and a risk factor to their health.  Research has proven that while it's
unhealthy to have fat throughout your body, it's particularly dangerous to have excess
abdominal fat.

Two Types of Fat

The type of fat you have in your abdominal area is called subcutaneous fat. It keeps
your abs from being visible as it lies right below the skin and on top of the abdominal

The second type of fat, visceral fat, lies deeper in the abdomen beneath your muscles
and around your organs. Visceral fat plays a role in giving some men that "beer belly"
that protrudes excessively but feels hard if you push on it.

Both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in the belly area are serious health risk
factors. Scientific research has shown excessive visceral fat is more dangerous than
subcutaneous fat.  Health risk factors include an increased risk for: developing heart
disease, stroke, sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, various forms of cancer and
other degenerative diseases. For example, higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), and
indicator of inflammation that can lead to heart disease has been associated with excess
belly fat. 

Visceral fat is particularly dangerous because, in part, it releases more inflammatory
molecules into your system on a consistent basis.

Reducing your abdominal fat should be one of your top priorities if you care about the
quality of your life and your loved ones. A side effect of losing belly fat is that your
stomach will flatten out. You will be able to see those six pack abs if you lose enough.

So how do you lose belly fat?

There are lots of "miracle" fat loss products, but is there a REAL solution?

First realize there is NO quick fix solution. No pills or supplements of any sorts will
help you lose belly fat. The gimmicky ab rockers, rollers and belts will not help get
ride of abdominal fat because you can't "spot reduce" your stomach flat.

The only way to lose belly fat and keep it off for good is by combining a sound,
nutritious diet full of unprocessed natual foods with a strategic excerise program that
stimulates the necesary hormonal and metabolic response in your body.

A study was done with a diet-only group and a diet and exercise group. Both groups made
good progress but the diet-only group lost significantly less abdominal fat than the
group participating in diet and exercise.

Not just any exercise routine is effective to lose belly fat. Most people do typical
boring cardio routines which some experts say are ineffective. They'll throw in a little
body-part weight training and pump away with crunches and side bends. They think they're
doing something to reduce their abdominal fat. They get discouraged after weeks and
months of this routine.

Learn the truth about losing belly fat

Remember meeting Mike Geary yesterday? Well, he is a Certified Nutrition Specialist
and Certified Personal Trainer (with a Bachelor of Science degree) and through years
of work and testing, he has developed an entire solution...nutritional strategies, training
sequences, and exercise combinations...for this problem.

The point of this whole program is NOT abdominal exercises...but showing you the best
ways to lose belly fat so you can be finished with all the dangerous health risks as
well as get a flatter, more defined midsection.

Follow the guidelines and you will lose belly fat that's been "hanging" around for
years. This is a proven system that works for people all over the world. If you apply
the strategies, the results will happen.

If you're really serious about taking charge of your health and losing belly
, The Truth About Six Pack Abs is probably for you. Most people fail
in their fitness efforts, even though they have good intentions, because they don't
see any progress and slip back into the old habits that made them the way
they are. With Truth About Six Pack Abs you will lose all over, but especially
lose belly fat. With lifestyle changes, you'll have a flat stomach for good! 

Want to test drive something to see how the Mike explains things? Get his book
Training & Nutrition: Insider Secrets for a Lean Body. In this book he details 27
metabolism-boosting secrets that you can use to strip off ugly body fat faster and 
easier. Get your copy by clicking on the link above. 

Here's what you do with your leftover turkey.

And remember, where your head's at is more important than your workout.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Solution for Leftover Turkey to Help Lose Belly Fat

Today I want to introduce you to Mike Geary, owner of His internationally best selling e-book, The Truth About Six Pack Abs, is the #1 ranked abdominals e-book in the world with 276,000 readers in 163 countries. If you're serious about losing belly fat, your need to check this dude out.

Mike has a great recipe using leftover turkey that is still healthy and will not hinder your efforts to lose belly fat.  Here it is:

Geary's Healthy Turkey-Bean Concoction Recipe (makes about 4-5 servings)

  • 1-lb of fresh shredded turkey breast
  • One 16-20 oz. can of baked beans (yes, this has sugar, but is also balanced by high fiber and protein in this recipe)
  • 1 large tomato diced (or 1 can crushed tomatoes)
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • A couple cloves fresh diced garlic (or a tablespoon or so of crushed garlic from the jar)
  • 1 large vidalia onion diced
  • 2 red peppers diced
In a large pot, mix the olive oil, diced tomatoes, onions, peppers, and garlic together until it starts simmering and allow to cook for a few minutes. Then add in the shredded turkey and can of baked beans and simmer for a few more minutes. That's it... Simple, and maybe sounds a little weird, but I couldn't believe how delicious it was! Plus, it has a great mix of healthy carbs, protein, and fat, as well as a good dose of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Thanks to Mike Geary for the great recipe.   This will solve the problem of left-over turkey and keep you focused on attaining your six pack abs.  Don't forget your workout...but the most important thing is to have your head right.

Monday, November 22, 2010

3 Motivational Tips to Lose Belly Fat for Six Pack Abs

Can you see yourself walking down the street at your favorite location looking and
feeling great?  Or as you stroll down the beach, you notice people glance over their
shoulders to admire your beautiful six pack abs? You're feeling so confident in yourself
that your vacation seems perfect like a dream.  You pinch yourself and realize that you
have arrived. 

Everyone in this green earth would love to have ripped abs and be fully healthy.  Can
everyone lose belly fat?  Because we were created for excellence, yes, anything is
possible.  Although some may find it difficult to reach personal goals, anything is
possible but you must have an optimistic and positive outlook on life.

You can begin your day very positive, but by the end of the day, if you are not fully
focused on your objective and constantly thinking of your aspirations, you can be a
victim of procrastination.  We as humans tend to enjoy the path of least resistance. We
justify our excuses and have procrastinations of our objectives.  Nobody said that being
disciplined was easy.  Here are some examples of things we tell ourselves unconsciously,
that keeps us from hitting our goals: "I would love to workout, but I don't want to be sore
for tomorrow's barbeque," or "I will have a free day this weekend therefore I will stuff
my face with cookies and milk," and "I love the gym, I just don't have time to go anymore."

The interesting thing is that we make ourselves believe such things when in reality it
is just bogus.  The secret to success is not overworking but being in control of your
thinking and outlook in life.  Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds or attain
six pack abs, please don't, under any circumstances, let yourself use any excuses.  Here
are some helpful tips that will aid you in getting back on track when you feel you are
buying your excuses:

1)  Always tell your friends and family about your goals.
If your goal is to tone up and lose belly fat, let them know.  Telling your acquaintances
about your goals is great.  Some will take you seriously and some won't...but the
reasoning behind this is that they can help you get back on track.  When you are
genuine with people, they respect that and are usually willing to help you out. 

2)  Set goals with a partner or friend
Often, having a workout partner or a dieting buddy will make things better for everyone.
Besides a little competition, encouragement from a workout partner makes a huge
difference when you are working toward six pack abs. Pick someone that you enjoy being
with and someone that you know will help you when you feel a bit down on yourself. 
Friends are incredible at picking you up and making you feel great.

3) Write down your aspirations and visions
Get a notepad and jot down all of your goals and aspirations.  On a piece of paper make
a line down the middle.  On one side have your "goals" and the other have "aspirations,"
For example, Goal #1-Lose 10 pounds this month. Aspiration #1-Lose 10 pounds so I can
buy a new pair of jeans, and so on.  Make sure they are very detailed and also try to make
them very personable.  Soon you will develop the mental alterations that, subconciously,
will change your life forever. Additionally, take note of the times you are at your lowest in
energy and pull out your sheet and read those out loud.  Might sound kind of weird but
it works.  Professional athletes do it everyday.  Why not you?

Getting in top shape and losing belly fat is harder than it looks.  It takes discipline
and full commitment. Its' rewards are priceless; the amount of confidence you get when
you are watched is amazing. Stay focused, stay in the fight and we will see you on the
beaches of the world sporting your six pack abs.

And remember, what you eat and where your head's at are MORE important than the workouts.  Please comment below and let me know your feelings and thoughts.  They are important!

Check out: 

Cap Barbell Neoprene Dumbbell Set with Rack

Friday, November 19, 2010

Want to Lose Belly Fat? These Are Not Your Typical Workouts

Usually when you hear someone talk about the best exercises for achieving six pack
abs, the first one out of their mouth is crunches, usually followed by sit ups. 
You're going to learn a unique ab workout that doesn't do any of that.  This work out
is a metabolism-boosting high intensity workout for the entire body. Face it, you
can't "spot" lose belly fat.

This work out is in a tri-set format (similar to a super set but it alternates between
3 exercises).

1. Renegade Dumbbell Rows
Start in a push up position with hands on two dumbbells. Then, while steadying
yourself on your left arm, pull dumbbell in right hand up to chest. Bring the dumbbell
back to the floor and alternate with other arm. Do 3-4 sets of 8 reps.

2. Front Squats with Barbell
Front squats are similar to back squats - the only difference being you have the
barbell in front of the body in front squats. While keeping your elbows up and out,
cross your arms and hold the barbell on your chest by pushing with your hands. Do full
squat while holding barbell in front. Note: This takes practice at first and you may
need to consult a professional trainer to learn the form. Do 3-4 sets of 8 reps.

3. Mountain Climbers on Floor
Start in a push up position. Next, shuffle feet back and forth so knees are moving
under your chest then back out to starting position. Repeat between both feet. It's done
like you are climbing a mountain.  An advanced version would have you moving your
hands back and forth 8-10 inches at the same time as your feet.  Do in sets of 30
seconds each for 8 reps.

Rest about 30 seconds after finishing each exercise and before starting the next

Rest about 2 minutes after each "tri-set," before starting the next repetition.

This is the best way to lose belly fat. Doing these exercises on a regular basis will guarantee
flat abs.

Remember, what you eat and where your head's at are MORE important than the workouts.

Valeo MB10 10-Pound Medicine Ball

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Six Pack Abs for Women?

Women often make a big deal about their physical appearance and are thus labeled vain
creatures.  There is nothing wrong with women wanting to look good.  The fact that you
are curious and searching to attain a good physical appearance makes you a health
oriented individual.  Six pack abs are not only for men; women are well-qualified to
strive for a curvaceous body and to lose belly fat. However, there are risks you need to
be aware of.

Women should be careful in "ripping their abs." Why?

Your health is precious and if it's degraded, the other conditions arising from that may
prevent you from living the best out of your life. While beginning an exercise routine
to lose belly fat is absolutely a brilliant idea, there are some downsides.  Utmost
caution should be practiced. Check out the details below.

Hormones may be affected in the process of intensely ripping abs. This is a negative
effect showing why some believe six pack abs are not for the female populace. They
believe the extremely low percentage of body fat is not good for body.

You may suffer from distraction that is created by the achievement of the goal. Your
striving for perfection, particularly something to do with your physical appearance,
could lead your self-esteem to being more sensitive. (Of course, just the loss of belly fat
could boost your self-esteem, at least temporarily.)

The Effects of Excessive Ab Exercise

If you are determined to lose belly fat to have flat abs, you must retain a body fat
percentage (look it up on Google) of less than 18%.  Some women must sustain less than 12%
body fat to keep their six pack abs. In order for the body to function properly, it must
have a certain amount of fat. For example, if you have a very low level of body fat,
hormones (particularly sex hormones) tend to get disrupted.  Excessive exercising could
eventually lead to dangerous health issues.

Amenorrhea is one of those health conditions that can be caused by low body fat.
Suffered by women, it develops when you keep intensely working out AFTER your body fat
percentage has plummeted. The symptoms include:

Cessation of the menstrual cycle
Tendency to stress fractures
Loss of bone density
Loss of fertility (the worst!)

Of course, if your self-image depends on those six pack abs, you will just have to face
the perceived risks. I say perceived because some believe you won't be affected if you
follow a healthy, balanced and adequate diet. The trade out of being proud of your new-
found body could very well be worth it.

Next time we will explore some basic workouts to start to on lose belly fat.