feeling great? Or as you stroll down the beach, you notice people glance over their
shoulders to admire your beautiful six pack abs? You're feeling so confident in yourself
that your vacation seems perfect like a dream. You pinch yourself and realize that you
have arrived.
Everyone in this green earth would love to have ripped abs and be fully healthy. Can
everyone lose belly fat? Because we were created for excellence, yes, anything is
possible. Although some may find it difficult to reach personal goals, anything is
possible but you must have an optimistic and positive outlook on life.
You can begin your day very positive, but by the end of the day, if you are not fully
focused on your objective and constantly thinking of your aspirations, you can be a
victim of procrastination. We as humans tend to enjoy the path of least resistance. We
justify our excuses and have procrastinations of our objectives. Nobody said that being
disciplined was easy. Here are some examples of things we tell ourselves unconsciously,
that keeps us from hitting our goals: "I would love to workout, but I don't want to be sore
for tomorrow's barbeque," or "I will have a free day this weekend therefore I will stuff
my face with cookies and milk," and "I love the gym, I just don't have time to go anymore."
The interesting thing is that we make ourselves believe such things when in reality it
is just bogus. The secret to success is not overworking but being in control of your
thinking and outlook in life. Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds or attain
six pack abs, please don't, under any circumstances, let yourself use any excuses. Here
are some helpful tips that will aid you in getting back on track when you feel you are
buying your excuses:
1) Always tell your friends and family about your goals.
If your goal is to tone up and lose belly fat, let them know. Telling your acquaintances
about your goals is great. Some will take you seriously and some won't...but the
reasoning behind this is that they can help you get back on track. When you are
genuine with people, they respect that and are usually willing to help you out.
2) Set goals with a partner or friend.
Often, having a workout partner or a dieting buddy will make things better for everyone.
Besides a little competition, encouragement from a workout partner makes a huge
difference when you are working toward six pack abs. Pick someone that you enjoy being
with and someone that you know will help you when you feel a bit down on yourself.
Friends are incredible at picking you up and making you feel great.
3) Write down your aspirations and visions.
Get a notepad and jot down all of your goals and aspirations. On a piece of paper make
a line down the middle. On one side have your "goals" and the other have "aspirations,"
For example, Goal #1-Lose 10 pounds this month. Aspiration #1-Lose 10 pounds so I can
buy a new pair of jeans, and so on. Make sure they are very detailed and also try to make
them very personable. Soon you will develop the mental alterations that, subconciously,
will change your life forever. Additionally, take note of the times you are at your lowest in
energy and pull out your sheet and read those out loud. Might sound kind of weird but
it works. Professional athletes do it everyday. Why not you?
Getting in top shape and losing belly fat is harder than it looks. It takes discipline
and full commitment. Its' rewards are priceless; the amount of confidence you get when
you are watched is amazing. Stay focused, stay in the fight and we will see you on the
beaches of the world sporting your six pack abs.
And remember, what you eat and where your head's at are MORE important than the workouts. Please comment below and let me know your feelings and thoughts. They are important!
Check out:
Cap Barbell Neoprene Dumbbell Set with Rack
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