abs, the first one out of their mouth is crunches, usually followed by sit ups.
You're going to learn a unique ab workout that doesn't do any of that. This work out
is a metabolism-boosting high intensity workout for the entire body. Face it, you
can't "spot" lose belly fat.
This work out is in a tri-set format (similar to a super set but it alternates between
3 exercises).
1. Renegade Dumbbell Rows
Start in a push up position with hands on two dumbbells. Then, while steadying
yourself on your left arm, pull dumbbell in right hand up to chest. Bring the dumbbell
back to the floor and alternate with other arm. Do 3-4 sets of 8 reps.
2. Front Squats with Barbell
Front squats are similar to back squats - the only difference being you have the
barbell in front of the body in front squats. While keeping your elbows up and out,
cross your arms and hold the barbell on your chest by pushing with your hands. Do full
squat while holding barbell in front. Note: This takes practice at first and you may
need to consult a professional trainer to learn the form. Do 3-4 sets of 8 reps.
3. Mountain Climbers on Floor
Start in a push up position. Next, shuffle feet back and forth so knees are moving
under your chest then back out to starting position. Repeat between both feet. It's done
like you are climbing a mountain. An advanced version would have you moving your
hands back and forth 8-10 inches at the same time as your feet. Do in sets of 30
seconds each for 8 reps.
Rest about 30 seconds after finishing each exercise and before starting the next
Rest about 2 minutes after each "tri-set," before starting the next repetition.
This is the best way to lose belly fat. Doing these exercises on a regular basis will guarantee
flat abs.
Remember, what you eat and where your head's at are MORE important than the workouts.
Valeo MB10 10-Pound Medicine Ball
the best way to lose belly fat is that you have to worried about your diet.The word diet doesn't just refer to a reduction in eating. It also means adjusting your diet to include more of the things you need and less of the things you don't. A balanced diet is going to be key in order to losing belly fat. Your body stores energy in two ways: glycogen and fat. Glycogen is stored in your muscles and liver.